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this video is sharing few key techniques used by an astrologer to find out time of career rise. introduction: ‘chetan sud’ also known as lal kitab guruji an unconventional name in #astrology world is a world famous best astrologer based in ludhiana punjab india; having deep knowledge of #lalkitab #rashifal #lalkitabremedies red book astrology #kp #horary #vedicastrology #palmistry #vastu with real life practical experiences.
job prediction through vedic astrology + transit + astakvargh + kp astrology and dasha bhukti & antra .
what i bring to the table is the truth about astrology and astronomy of india.
finding a job through astrology or asking questions like when will i get a job to a jyotish will always result in a 50/50 bet because most astrologers cannot predict properly about timing of getting a job because this question is very hard to answer through astrology because too many things are effecting your opportunity and lifestyle most of which depends upon the country you life in and its laws.
vedic astrology is not more about psychological reading but actual physical reading that also shows your exact timing of events like marriage children career graduation accidents illness etc.
Finding a job through astrology or asking questions like when will i get a job to a jyotish will always result in a 50/50 bet because most astrologers cannot predict properly about timing of getting a job because this question is very hard to answer through astrology because too many things are effecting your opportunity and lifestyle most of which depends upon the country you life in and its laws.
Job prediction through vedic astrology + transit + astakvargh + kp astrology and dasha bhukti & antra .
This video is sharing few key techniques used by an astrologer to find out time of career rise.