The number of coronavirus cases in Delhi crossed the one lakh mark on July 6. With 1,379 new cases reported in the last 24 hours, the total COVID-19 count of the capital stood at 1,00,823. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on July 6 appealed to hospitals to counsel their COVID-19 patients to donate plasma after 14 days of recovery from the disease, noting that the number of donors is yet to pick pace. Kejriwal said the coronavirus recovery rate in Delhi has gone up to 72 per cent, and more and more people are recovering from COVID-19 on a daily basis. Meanwhile, actor-politician Kamal Haasan, who started the "Save Chennai" movement to counter the challenge posed by coronavirus, has blamed the "lack of transparency and mismanagement" of Tamil Nadu's E Palaniswami government. Tamil Nadu is the second worst-hit state in the country, after Maharashtra. So far, the state has witnessed 1,14,978 cases with 1,571 deaths. India has overtaken Russia to became the third-highest coronavirus caseload in the world. India is now preceded only by Brazil and the US. Brazil has over 15 lakh cases and the US has more than 28 lakh.