Five Indian-origin personalities, including Bhim Army chief Chandra Shekhar Aazad, Twitter's top lawyer Vijaya Gadde & UK's finance minister Rishi Sunak, feature in TIME magazine's annual list of 100 "emerging leaders who are shaping the future". 2021 TIME100 Next, released on February 17, is an expansion of TIME's flagship TIME100 franchise of the most influential people in the world. It highlights 100 emerging leaders who are shaping the future. “Everyone on this list is poised to make history. And in fact, many already have," Dan Macsai, the editorial director of the TIME100, said. Other Indian-origin personalities on the list are Instacart founder & CEO Apoorva Mehta, doctor & Executive Director of nonprofit Get Us PPE Shikha Gupta & founder of nonprofit Upsolve Rohan Pavuluri. Watch the video to know more about them.