Much of our professional lives take place in the digital space these days, especially on Slack.
Unfortunately, some people have gotten too comfortable with the platform and are crossing professional lines.
Here are eight of the rudest things you can do on Slack.
1. Ignoring a coworker’s “on vacation” or “with my family" status and sending them a non-urgent message.
2. Using the @channel or @here feature to unnecessarily notify everyone in a channel.
3. Speaking rudely about co-workers. (Screenshots can easily be shared or messages can be mistakenly sent to the wrong chat.).
4. Having a direct conversation with someone in a group channel.
5. Sending someone multiple messages in a row in a non-emergency.
6. Using inappropriate emojis and slang, as well as sloppy grammar and punctuation.
7. Discussing NSFW topics or other things you would never say face-to-face.
8. Hopping between platforms when you’re communicating with someone.