Common Pest Creature. 10 Facts About Ants Will Change Your Mind

2021-02-13 5

7 things you need to know about youtube shorts

2. Estimated That There Are Around 1 Million Ants For Every 1 Human In The World!

3. Ants Don't Have Lungs and Ears.

4. Ants Have Two Stomachs And Can Swim.

5. Ants Are As Old As Dinosaurs.

6. Ants Can Carry Between 10 to 50 Times Of Their Own Body Weight.

7. Ants Are Slave-Makers, They Invade Neighboring Ant Colonies And Force Them To Work For Them.

8. When Ants Fight, It Is Usually To The Death!

9. Queen Ants Can Live For Many Years And Millions Of Babies!

10. Ants Communicate With One Another Using Chemicals.