Continuing his attack on AMMK leader TTV Dhinakaran, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami on Wednesday charged him with conspiring to break the ruling AIADMK, but asserted his dreams will not fructify as the worker-dominated party will remain united.
The AIADMK will never allow "one family to rule" the state, Palaniswami, on a campaign tour ahead of the assembly elections likely in April, said.
Some conspired to wrest control of the party but the efforts have to be thwarted by the alert ruling party workers, Palaniswami said at an election rally in Krishnagiri in Western part of the state.
Later, speaking to reporters in Salem, he asserted nobody can create "even the slightest split" in the party.
In the election meeting, the AIADMK joint coordinator said the party has place only for the loyal and hardworking and even a worker with such attributes can become chief minister, a reference to himself.