PRINCE MOSES - The Old Testament ep. 15 - EN

2021-02-06 11

The Pharaoh lives on long after Joseph has passed away. At a certain point he realizes that the Jewish population in Egypt has become too large, and so orders his soldiers to have all the newborn male children of the tribes of Israel killed. Two Jewish parents of the tribe of Levi do not want their firstborn child, Moses, to be killed, however. They hide the child for three months and then entrust him in a basket to “Father Nile". The Pharaoh's daughter saves Moses when she comes down to the river to bathe. Moses later grows up as a prince at the Pharaoh's court.

"In the beginning"... with these words the Bible begins the story of the great mystery of the origins of time, existence and the h­istory of the Universe. It also contains the proclamation of the Word of God, invisible and omnipotent, creator of heaven and earth, who turns once more to his people with the promise of the salvation which man has awaited since the moment of his creation and of his first sin...This is the subject of the "most widely-read book in the world" from which, in thirty-nine episodes, we evoke characters and events so that young people of the new generations can appreciate the richness of this great treasure.

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