Signalling a tough stand against expelled leader V K Sasikala, the ruling AIADMK in Tamil Nadu on Thursday said it has petitioned the state police chief to restrain non-members of the party from using its flag, days after she travelled in a car fitted with it in Bengaluru.
The petition has been submitted ahead of the return of Sasikala, confidante of late Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa, after a gap of four years on completion of her jail term in Bengaluru in a corruption case.
Incidentally, Amma Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam general secretary TTV Dhinakaran said Sasikala, confidante of late Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa and his aunt, would return to the state next Monday, instead of earlier schedule of Sunday.
Speaking to reporters here, AIADMK deputy coordinator KP Munusamy said the 'main reason' for the petition was due to the use of the party's flag by Sasikala in Bengaluru on Sunday after her discharge from a hospital where she was treated for COVID-19.
The plea was submitted to restrain non-members from using the AIADMK flag, the senior leader said adding Sasikala was not a member of his party and she had no moral right to use the flag.
It is seen as a move to ensure that the AIADMK flag was not used by Sasikala or her associates in the AMMK when she returned to Tamil Nadu.