Borrell, Blinken discuss revival of JCPOA and Iran cooperation

2021-02-01 1

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have reportedly conferred on the revival of the JCPOA during a phone conversation. The new US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken held a phone conversation with EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell on Thursday.

#USA #sanctions #IRAN #Europe #Stano #Blinken #eudebates #Iran #nuclearDeal #nuclear #Borrell

Peter Stano, EU foreign policy spokesperson confirmed today that Blinken and Borrell held a phone talk to revive the Iran nuclear deal. Laurence Norman, the correspondent of the Wall Street Journal in Brussell tweeted the news, quoting Stano.

"It wasn't mentioned specifically in either EU or US readout but @ExtSpoxEU confirms @ABlinken @JosepBorrellF spoke about #IranDeal revival during their call last week," Norman wrote on Monday.

This is while the statements published by the EU Foreign Policy website and the US State Department website did not mention the Borrell and Blinken talk on the JCPOA.

Accordingly, Borrell and Blinken also discussed strengthening US relations with the European Union in the new era, as well as Washington's return to international agreements, including the Paris Climate Agreement.

Previously, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called on the Biden administration to save time by rejoining the Iran nuclear deal that Trump quit in 2018, rather than seeking to negotiate a new arms control accord.

Blinken repeats false accusations about Iran nuclear program

Speaking in an interview with NBC News, Blinken claimed Tehran was ‘a matter of weeks’ away from being able to produce enough material for a nuclear bomb if it continues lifting nuclear restrictions.

The claim comes as Tehran has reduced commitments to the JCPOA to create a balance in response to the unilateral withdrawal of the US from the deal in 2018. Iran says the steps are reversible as soon as other parties fulfill their commitments which includes the lifting of sanctions and normalizing trade and banking relations.

Highlighting that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful, Tehran says producing weapons of mass destruction is not on the agenda of the country as such has been banned by a fatwa of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

Elsewhere, Blinken claimed that Washington was willing to return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal if Iran does while Tehran says it is Washington that should first return to the deal and lift the sanction as it was the US that violated the agreement in the first place.

The Biden Administration seeks to work with US allies and partners on a "longer and stronger" agreement encompassing other issues, the Secretary of State claimed. Tehran says the terms of the JCPOA cannot be renegotiated.

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