ACT – Assessing low-Carbon Transition: development project results

2021-02-01 8

ACT – Assessing low Carbon Transition is a joint voluntary initiative of the UNFCCC secretariat Global Climate Agenda co-founded by ADEME, the French Agency for Ecological transition, and CDP, the global environmental disclosure system. ACT provides guidance and assessment methodologies as an accountability framework to support and assess companies’ strategies and actions contribution to the Paris mitigation goals.
Following feedback from users of ACT sectoral assessment methodologies and after conducting a prefiguration study, ADEME decided to develop a methodology based on the ACT criteria to support companies with coherent low carbon strategies development and relevant action plan implementation.

This video is the recorded webinar delivered on the 22nd January 2021. It provides background information on the development project and presentation of the new ACT methodology and operational resource package (tools). It also gives some information about the progress recognition system and some implementation programs for 2021 in France. The webinar ended with a poll to decide the most appropriate name for this new ACT methodology.
This ACT methodology development follow a multi-stakeholders approach with feedback provided during interactive sessions over the course of the project to ensure the methodology respond to the need of the businesses and addresses the low carbon transition challenges they face.
The methodology and toolboxes were finalised in January 2021.

More information on our website