In a historic day for India\'s stock market, the S&P BSE Sensex crossed the 50,000-mark on January 21. Sensex rose as much as 335 points to hit an all-time high of 50,126.73 and Nifty 50 index also moved past the 14,700-mark for the first time. For several days, the Sensex had been on the verge of crossing the 50,000-mark. With the world\'s largest coronavirus inoculation drive underway in India, experts remain hopeful of continued uptick in the markets. All the sectoral indices are reported to be in green. After touching a lifetime high of 50,126.73, the 30-share BSE index was trading 300.09 points or 0.60 per cent higher at 50,092.21 in opening deals. Similarly, the broader NSE Nifty surged 85.40 points or 0.58 per cent to trade at 14,730.10. It too scaled its highest level of 14,738.30 in early trade. Watch the video to know more.