Ham Hocks Add Incredible Flavor to Some of Our Family-Favorite Recipes

2021-01-19 1

Want to know the secret to a savory pot of collard greens or a slow-cooked potato soup? .The addition of a collagen and fat-laden ham hock.Hocks are typically cured with salt and smoked and will impart a bacony flavor to whatever you add them to. .Usually packaged and sold in pairs, budget-friendly ham hocks can be found in the butcher section of your grocery store.Consisting mainly of skin, tendons, and ligaments, hocks are primarily used to flavor dishes.The meaty parts require a lot of cooking to become palatable and are often cooked slowly with soups and vegetables.If you can’t find ham hocks, you can usually successfully substitute a ham bone, smoked bacon, or smoked sausage.And if you are going pork free, try smoked turkey sausage or bacon