HHO Dry Cell Generator Size Can Be Deceiving- Size Compared

2021-01-13 1

Hydrogen generators come in all sizes and shapes and we at LaBella's Enterprises have been investigating, reviewing and comparing the output of HHO fuel cells of various kinds. We've found that some of the smaller fuel cells put out more hydrogen gas than some of the fuel cells that are 3 times larger than their smaller counterparts. Our investigation to date has cost over $6,000.00 and we've found that some of the more hyped up larger hydrogen fuel cells are a waste of money. Especially ones that use vinegar ( 5% distilled vinegar like used on salads). The rat race for who's has the best HHO fuel cell still rages on with some of the most outrageous claims uncovered. The hydrogen fuel cell in this video used vinegar but hardly put out any HHO gas until we switched it to KOH potassium hydroxide. The smaller twin fuel cell we earlier demonstrated put out much more than this larger fuel cell at comparable amp draw. Watch this live video.

NOTE: For the latest EFIEs and HHO Dry Cell Kits and Accessories see our website

LaBella's Enterprises