More Than 4,000 COVID Deaths
Recorded in US in a Single Day.
More than 4,000 people died of
COVID-19 in the U.S. on Jan. 7.
The average number of deaths in the
U.S. for the past week has exceeded 2,700.
We believe things will get worse as we get into January, Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, via CNBC.
In the first eight days of January,
COVID-19 has claimed the lives of
nearly 20,000 people in the country.
Dr. Fauci has reiterated that people in the
U.S. continue to have the ability
"to blunt the acceleration" of cases ...
... by wearing masks in public and adhering to
social distancing and hand-washing measures.
More than 274,000 new coronavirus
cases were also recorded on Thursday.
According to Johns Hopkins University,
nearly 21.6 million Americans have contracted the virus