UFO Sighting Over Dallas, Texas on June 11, 2020

2020-12-31 76

UFO Sighting Over Dallas, Texas on June 11, 2020. Witness report as follows "I spent a lot of time outside this summer (2020) and one day was looking up in the sky and caught something rapidly circling above at an extreme altitude. at first i thought it was a circling bird, but then realized the wings never flapped, the altitude was too high, and it was moving at speeds i have never seen for a plane that high up... so i quickly started recording. imo, this altitude was 20-30k feet (i am not that good a judging that) and no commercial plane could turn that fast while noticeably speeding up and slowing down. at this point my assumption is government drone, maybe classified tech but it had no noticeable body to it. it was a cylinder or tic-tac shape and bright white with little to no hum. in the first video you willl see the cylinder circling like a bird while kind of changing speeds randomly. now i am not sure if it saw me but i stood in my drive way to get a better video because of the tree in the first one, and it immediately stopped circling. it slowed down significantly, almost to a full stop, while turning straight south.Then it sped up so unrealistically fast that you can see me unfortunately lose it in the second one. it also got smaller so likely began going upwards. between the hum, direction is faces while traveling, and as well a recent video i saw of a ufo like this, i am stuck between ufo and government drone, anyone want to help? (president was coming to town that day or the next) (i also live near a busy airport and see aircraft in the air all the time... this didnt belong)"