Reclamo de pacientes oncologicos frente al Policlinico OSTEE en Bs As 1997

2020-12-29 1

Bs. As .: Mobile phone with journalist at the Polyclinic of the Social Work of Electricity Workers (O.S.T.E.E.), located at 434 Humberto Primero Street, San Telmo neighborhood. Claim of retirees belonging to the Luz y Fuerza union and more than 360 cancer patients requesting that the team of doctors who work in the polyclinic not be changed. Report to retirees: -How does this change complicate them? -Are the changes for the worse? -Apart from patients recently commented to me that before starting they will be 50 percent behind what they are now because of the change, for telling the story again, for not knowing what they are going to find, emotionally greatly influences cancer patients? -Are they condemning them in any way with this? -What responses do you give when you ask for an explanation for the change? -What do you say from the social work? -Did many of the patients tell us that they were already ill due to the fact that they had to say goodbye to their doctors? - Did the doctors who treat you say something to you when they said goodbye? -What things go through your head? Image with public telephone booth of Telefonica de Argentina in the street. Facade of the OSTEE Polyclinic. Image of the journalist Antonio Fernandez Llorente approaching to dialogue with the people.
Date: 7/13/1997
Duration: 8 minutes 36 seconds
Code: UG-3055

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