USFK starts vaccinating healthcare workers and first responders

2020-12-29 1

오늘부터 주한미군 코로나 백신 접종 시작…"카투사 접종, 국방부와 협의"

U.S. Forces Korea has started inoculating its frontline healthcare workers and first responders with the vaccine made by Moderna.
They started on Tuesday, and one of the first to get it was the U-S-F-K Commander,... General Robert Abrams.
Vaccinations are being done at the U.S. bases in Osan, Gunsan and Pyeongtaek.
They're voluntary, but U-S-F-K is strongly encouraging its personnel to get them.
It's possible that South Koreans who work with U.S. forces will be allowed to get the shot if they ask for it.
Seoul's defense ministry said the U-S-F-K has made an official request for consultations on whether South Korean personnel are allowed to take it or not.
If they do take it, they'll be the first ones domestically to do so.