China aims to vaccinate 50 million people by February with workers from cold-chain logistics, customs quarantine departments given first priority

2020-12-29 6

중, '고위험군' 5천만 명 접종 시작...저온 식품 종사자가 최우선

China has officially begun its vaccination program against COVID-19,...aiming to inoculate 50 million people ahead of the Spring Festival in February.
Among the first to get shots are those working in cold-chain logistics companies and customs quarantine departments.
Choi Min-jung reports.
China officially began vaccinating its population this month against the COVID-19 virus.
According to the Global Times, China aims to cover 50 million people from its first priority group by February next year.
On top of frontline medial workers, China's high-risk population mainly includes those working with cold-chain products, as well as customs quarantine.
Various parts of China including Guangdong, Henan, Gansu, and Shaanxi have already started inoculating their high-risk population starting December.
Henan Province started its vaccination program on December 23, with fifty cold-chain workers among the first to receive shots.
"I'm frequently exposed to imported goods. I was worried about my safety before this vaccination. And I feel much assured after the vaccination."
The Province of Guangdong is also well underway with its vaccination program which started earlier this month.
According to the director of the provincial health commission on Wednesday, some 180-thousand people were inoculated as of December 22nd.
However, the director made it clear that not everyone could receive the shot.
"People who are under 18 or above 59 years old should not get COVID-19 vaccination. People who were seriously allergic to vaccines in the past, who are pregnant, and people who have acute or serious chronic diseases or are suffering acute phases of chronic diseases, should not get COVID-19 vaccination."
However, as people over 60 and those with serious illnesses are excluded in the key priority group, watchers say people have expressed concerns over the safety of vaccines.
With most regions in China aiming to finish vaccinating the key priority groups by February next year, it seems that the general public will have to wait until after the Lunar New Year.
Choi Min-jung, Arirang News.

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