For 26 straight days, more than 100,000 were hospitalized with COVID in the U.S.

2020-12-29 21

미, 코로나 입원환자 한달째 10만명 웃돌아.. 항공승객은 최대

In the U.S., COVID-19 patient numbers are increasing by the hour,... completely swamping hospitals.
CNN reported Monday that for 26 straight days, more than 100-thousand infected patients poured into hospitals daily fueling concerns of a post-Christmas wave of infections.
U.S. infectious disease expert Doctor Anthony Fauci on Monday pointed out a "major weakness" in an interview with BBC radio.
He said that the differing responses taken by individual states to tackle COVID-19 weaken the defense line against the virus and that... a degree of consistency is imperative to effectively fight off the virus.
According to the U.S. COVID tracking project, COVID-19 hospitalizations reached an all -time high in the past week.