After Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), Rashtriya Loktantric Party (RLP) chief Hanuman Beniwal also walked out of National Democratic Alliance on December 26. While addressing farmers’ rally in Shahjahanpur in Rajasthan’s Alwar district, Beniwal said, “Bye-bye, we are quitting NDA & nothing is above the pride of farmers in the country.” State Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Mukesh Pareekh said that Beniwal’s party is an independent party and a one man’s unit. Thousands of RLP supporters joined the farmers protest on December 26 on Jaipur-Delhi National Highway in Shahjahanpur along the Rajasthan-Haryana border. Around 3 pm on December 26, hundreds of vehicles had reached the border from Kotputli area of Jaipur rural. RLP workers had put up a separate pandal on the stretch from where the farmers have been protesting on the highway for 14-days. Last week, the disappointed RLP chief, who is a Lok Sabha Member of Parliament (MP) from Nagaur, resigned from three parliament committees in support of farmer’s issue. Watch the video to know more.