Biden discusses cyber attack, says "darkest" days of COVID-19 pandemic are ahead

2020-12-23 30

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden delivered an address from Wilmington, Delaware on Tuesday, where he discussed the COVID-19 pandemic and a widespread data breach.

During his address, Biden said he has “absolute confidence” in the COVID-19 vaccine, but that “taking a vaccine from a vial into the arm of millions of Americans" is “one of the biggest operational challenges" the U.S. has faced.

The president-elect also said his administration will put forward another COVID-19 relief package next year, including a new round of stimulus payments.

He added that a $900 billion relief package passed by Congress this week was a "first step" but that the government will have to do more. "Here is the simple truth: Our darkest days in the battle against COVID are ahead of us, not behind us," he said.

Biden also discussed a widespread data breach of the government apparently carried out by the Russian government, saying it poses a "grave risk" to national security that cannot "go unanswered."

“The Trump administration failed to prioritize cyber security,” he said, adding that cyber attacks “must be treated as a serious threat by our leadership.”