N. Korea ramps up tourism efforts to earn foreign currency, prepares for post pandemic era

2020-12-21 15

北 "금강산관광지구 우리식으로 건설...각지에서 온천탐사"…코로나에도 관광지 개발 주력

North Korea is reportedly ramping up efforts to boost its tourism industry.
In fact, watchers say the regime is looking to earn foreign currency during these economically difficult times and is preparing for the post COVID-19 era.
Kim Dami looks into the North's latest efforts to unilaterally rebuild a mountain resort that had been jointly run with South Korea.
While visiting tourist sites at Mount Geumgang, North Korean Premier Kim Tok-hun has reportedly called for the remodeling of the area... into a modern, all-inclusive international tourist destination.
Kim stressed the area will be recreated (quote) in the regime's "own way"... by building world-class hotels and ski resorts.
Even under the highest level of virus prevention measures, the North is reportedly exploring spots for hot springs.
Observers say this is part of the regime's efforts to prepare for the post pandemic era.
"It's the North's strategy to earn foreign currency through tourism. It's highly likely that these projects could be included in a new five-year plan to be unveiled at the North's Workers' Party congress next month."
In addition, the North may send signals to both Seoul and Washington for help with the projects.
"To promote its tourism, international sanctions against the regime must be lifted. The North can't carry out its tourism projects and keep nuclear weapons at the same time. So, it's an indirect message to the new Biden administration to lift sanctions."
The North in late 2019 demanded for the removal of South Korean-built facilities at Mount Geumgang, saying the regime should not rely on Seoul for its development.
Seoul requested face-to-face meetings with Pyeongyang to resolve the issue, but the COVID-19 pandemic meant that the demands were put on hold in late January.
Responding to the North's Mount Geumgang development project, Seoul's unification ministry over the weekend urged the communist state to return to talks at an "appropriate time."
Kim Dami, Arirang News.