OUTLANDER Scottish Music & Celtic Music - Composed by CARLOS GUEVARA - MYSTICAL MUSIC

2020-12-20 5

0:00 The Morning - An Tuilleadh - La mañana
5:06 The Morning II - An Tuilleadh II - Bachiana IV
10:50 Morrigan- Warrior Godess - White Lady - La dama Blanca
12:27 Morrigan II Celtic Song
15:05 Morrigan III Celtic Instrumental Music
16:48 Morrigan iV Triumphal Hymn - Marcha Triunfal - Himno Triunfal
18:13 Laoidh Ghosts - Dance of Ghosts -Danza de los fantasmas -Celtic Instrumental music
20:12 Lahoid Ghosts II Intermezzo
21:45 Lahoid Ghosts III Celtic Symphonic & Choir Music - Danza sinfónico - coral
23:50 Clachan Chalanais - Electro tecno music
31:30 Robert Bruce - Medieval Style
34:13 Bannockburn - The great battle

Scottish Suite
Composed by CARLOS GUEVARA (El pianista del mar)
All rights reserved
November 2020
Caustic- Aria Player - Sforzando - Kontakt - Finale - Cakewalk Sonar - Auto Mastering - Audacity - Filmora 9