Will AOC's Committee Humiliation Spurn A Run For Senate?

2020-12-19 3

On Thursday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was humiliated when she was passed over for coveted congressional committee.
The two New York congresswomen faced off against each other for a seat on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee.
AOC was demolished in the secret ballot, losing the seat 13-46.
The loss is a devastating one and is a major set back to her political career.
Newsweek reports that AOC is inconsolable over losing our on the seat.
Ocasio-Cortez is reportedly so bitter that she is considering primarying Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, from NY.
AOC recently told the Intercept that Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi needed to be replaced.
However, James Thurber, a political science professor at American University, told Newsweek AOC stands little chance of taking Schumer down.