Dr. Anthony Fauci Urges Americans
to Stay Home for Christmas.
In a conversation with ‘The Washington Post’
on Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke about
the upcoming holiday season. .
He stressed the importance of having a low-key Christmas, saying he would be spending it with only his wife. .
I’m going to be with my wife — period …
The Christmas holiday is a special holiday for
us because Christmas Eve is my birthday ...
And [my daughters] are not going to come
home. That’s painful. We don’t like that. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, via 'The Washington Post'.
Regardless of how “painful”
the situation is, Dr. Fauci said
it is something Americans
just “have to accept.” .
But that’s just one of the things you’re
going to have to accept as we go through
this unprecedented challenging time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, via 'The Washington Post'.
Stay at home as much as you can, keep your
interactions to the extent possible to members
of the same household … we're already in a very
difficult situation, and we're going to make it
worse, if we don't do something about it, Dr. Anthony Fauci, via 'The Washington Post'.
He then offered advice to families
struggling with this “unusual situation,”
telling them to put it into perspective. .
Maybe this is a time to just say, 'This is an
unusual situation, it's not going to last forever,
it is highly likely that with vaccines being
distributed, that we will be back to
normal by next Christmas.' , Dr. Anthony Fauci, via 'The Washington Post'.
So make the choice and keep
yourself and your family healthy so that you'll
have many more Christmases ahead of you. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, via 'The Washington Post'