Saturn, Jupiter And Moon Form A Triangle In The Sky; Great Conjunction On December 21

2020-12-17 2

Jupiter & Saturn are the leading couple in the sky in December. The main attraction will be the great conjunction on December 21. It will see the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, where they will appear to be as one in the night's sky, forming what appears to be a bright star. Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions happen every 20 years; the last one was in the year 2000. However, the two are very close together now, appearing alongside the Moon. Early on the evening of December 16, a thin crescent moon got cozy with the bright Jupiter & Saturn, which are close to each other as well. The moon had a conjunction or close pass with both Jupiter & Saturn, bringing all three in close proximity for the brief period that they’re visible that night. The three objects will relatively close on the nights of December 17 & 18 as well.

#Saturn #Jupiter #CelestialEvent