S. Korea reports all-time high daily COVID-19 cases

2020-12-16 28

코로나 신규 확진자 역대 최다 1078명… 거리두기 3단계 범위 진입

Starting off with the COVID-19 situation here in South Korea.
The "third wave" of the coronavirus reached a new high in the country today,... with close to eleven-hundred cases.
Cluster infections are popping up at religious facilities and nursing homes.
For more, we connect to our Choi Jeong-yoon.
Jeong-yoon what's the figure today?
Mark, South Korea reported one-thousand-78 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday.
This is the highest daily figure of the outbreak so far.
It's the second time the country has surpassed the thousand mark in less than five days after recording some 1030 cases on Sunday.
With an average of some 860 cases over the past seven days... recent figures have reached the threshold for level three social distancing, which is an average of 8-hundred to over a thousand daily cases, or if the number doubles dramatically.
Even though calls to implement the strongest antivirus measures are growing, authorities are rather cautious considering the massive social and economic impact it would have.
Health authorities rather called for citizens' active cooperation so that further spread can be halted under distancing level two-point-five.
"As distancing level three is the strongest, and the last resort that would cause a wide range of damage to small business owners, the government is taking in experts' opinion and reviewing gradual increases in distancing measures."
Of today's caseload, one-thousand-54 were local transmissions and 24 came from overseas.
Cluster infections have been found at religious facilities as well as nursing homes across the country.
Health Authorities are suing some church goers in Chungcheongbuk-do Province who held gatherings against restrictions.
The country also saw twelve additional deaths, the second day in a row that deaths have been in the double digits.
That takes the total deaths to 612.
With the surge in cases, the Seoul city government will have all workers who are working in close contact with others to get preemptive tests.
That includes delivery workers and people working in call centers, nursing homes and public transport.
Health authorities are also focusing on securing as many as 10-thousand sickbeds.
Already, almost 900 extra sickbeds in living treatment centers and some twenty intensive care units for critically ill patients have been secured.
The government has specifically separated standards for sickbeds for better monitoring and is actively seeking cooperation with private hospitals to secure more beds.
Back to you, Mark.

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