‘Among Us,' 'Spelunky 2' and More Games Announced for Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo's Indie World Showcase
took place on Dec. 15.
During the event, 19 games were said to be coming to the Switch, some of which are available as of now.
Here are the games as well as
when they'll be available
on the console.
'Among Us', Dec. 15.
'Calico', Dec. 15.
'Grindstone', Dec. 15.
'When the Past Was Around', Dec. 15.
'Spelunky' and 'Spelunky 2', 2021.
'Fisti-Fluffs', Early 2021.
'Very Very Valet', Early 2021.
'Tunche', March 2021.
'Cyber Shadow', Jan. 26.
'Alba: A Wildlife Adventure', Spring 2021.
'Gnosia', 2021.
'Happy Game', Spring 2021.
'Super Meat Boy Forever', Dec. 23.
'Kosmokrats', March 2021.
'Hoa', April 2021.
'Hazel Sky', March 2021.
'Trash Sailors', Spring 2021.
'Finding Paradise', Spring 2021