S. Korea sees 880 new COVID-19 cases; over 60 people infected at nursing home in Gimje

2020-12-15 4

코로나19 신규확진 880명, 김제 가나안요양원서 60여명 집단감염

Our top story this afternoon.
The "third wave" of the coronavirus in South Korea is leading to a spike in cases across the country, including a cluster at a nursing home for the elderly in Jeollabuk-do Province.
As projections show cases are only likely to keep rising, the Prime Minister is mulling the possibility of hiking the country's social distancing measures to the highest tier.
Jang Tae-hyun reports.
South Korea reported 880 cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday.
Of those, 848 were local and 32 were from overseas.
The majority of the cases came from the capital region with 246 from Seoul, 274 from Gyeonggi-do Province and 55 from Incheon.
But cases are also popping up across the country.
There were 62 cases at a nursing home in Gimje, Jeollabuk-do Province.
About two-thirds of those were residents at the home.
The confirmed patients have been transferred for treatment while the rest of the residents will be moved somewhere else for cohort isolation.
Meanwhile, South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun held a meeting on Tuesday and said that we should not be late to raise the distancing level to its highest tier: level three,... but we shouldn't make the decision too hastily.
"Considering the weight and effect of the level 3 distancing measures, we have to first check if all of us are following the current measures. Most people do keep to the guidelines, but some inattentive and irresponsible people are pouring oil on the flames of the fierce outbreak."
He added that one-third of those working at public institutions have to work from home.
And he advised government departments to inspect violations of COVID-19 prevention guidelines.
Jang Tae-hyun, Arirang News.