It all began with “A Mysterious Wind”, this notion of a civil war in America. The eagles high in the mountain tops from the security of their nest, heard the suggestion of a change in the wind. They pay attention to the smallest change in the winds, in case they need to soar off in search of a meal.
The wiser heads among the mountain creatures remembered their ancestors telling of such a wind. It was a wind of warning, having long before been interpreted to them. “If the various states don’t stop their increasing war-mongering, there’ll be a civil war far greater than the one 160 years ago.
Thoughts of a potential conflict can be entertained only because things are relatively peaceful on the international horizon. It seems battle lines are being drawn between Democrats and Republicans with both being much different from their predecessors of the Regan era, when ideas were often exchanged between the two.
Now there are strong, rigid ideological lines that almost completely prevent them talking things out. Instead, almost oblivious to the consequences, they press on.
With all this in mind, I have a question for my fellow women: “In this potential civil war, would you rather be married to a man with an “R” next to his name; or a “D”? To illustrate the differences between the two it’s been said that Republicans typically have one or more guns, a personal faith in Jesus Christ, and the associated moral values.
Democrats usually have no guns, and a moral code that is capable of changing with the wind. The Republican would be what we might call “a real man”; the Democrat…not so much.
Of course, there are those who would disagree. But the Republicans have another, less obvious, advantage. In following the lead of President Trump they have aligned themselves with the Evangelical wing of the church which has developed a fighting spirit with its prayer and prophetic capability. They have also discovered the fighting spirit of Jesus, Whom when He comes will be “fighting out of the chute”. The non-Christian world is ignorant of this side of Jesus as is much of the weaker Christian community.
A by-product of this ignorance is within the church which, if it doesn't “come to the Lord” in a spirit of repentance, turning away from its sins, many of which the Democrats have participated in and even honored, He will turn away from them, if not outright destroy them.
Once the church collects and corrects itself, which ever side it aligns with will win. Even Jesus will become victor over a world that may be largely opposed to Him and His coming.
Back to the original question, ladies, do you wish to be married to a Democrat, or an American?