(November 27, 1993) WSYX-TV 6 ABC Columbus Commercials

2020-12-10 22

Here are some commercials that aired during an episode of The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show:

1. Intro
2. 'After these messages, we'll be right back!'
3. Toby Terrier
4. Cabbage Patch Kids
5. And now, Back to the Show!
6. (same as #2)
7. Baby Giggle n' Go
8. TV Teddy from YES! (I still have 4 tapes of this series from my childhood!)
9. The Salvation Army Program
10. (same as #5 & #2)
11. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Dolls from Mattel
12. McDonald's (Dance Party)
13. Twinkle Lights Barbie
14. The National PTA
15. (same as #5 & #2)
16. McDonald's (The Tooth Fairy)
17. Bow Wow Boutique
18. The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show bumper
19. ABC ID (1993)
20. (same as #8)
21. 6 on Your Side News promo bumper
22. (same as #18)
23. Mommy's Having A Baby
24. Batman Action Figures
25. (same as #5 & #2)
26. Western Stampin' Barbie & Star Horse
27. Baby Wake n' Roll
28. (same as #5 & #2)
29. Ice Tickle Bear
30. McDonald's (Mattel Toys)
31. (same as #13)
32. Partnership for A Drug-Free Ohio
33. (same as #5 & #2)
34. Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal
35. Baby Get Well
36. The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show end credits
37. Warner Bros. Family Entertainment (1993)
38. Schoolhouse Rock Intro
39. (same as #2)
40. McDonald's (McWorld)
41. Schoolhouse Rock end credits
42. (same as #19)
43. Stretch Armstrong
44. (same as #21)

Video footage courtesy of Justin-Smith (loveforlogos2) at archive.org
All credit of this footage goes to him.