Seoul area businesses prepare for stricter distancing from Tuesday

2020-12-07 12

수도권 거리두기 2.5단계 격상... 달라지는 점은?

Now, as of midnight tonight - which is in fewer than five hours from now - the greater Seoul area will be subject to level 2-point-5 social distancing, the second highest on the five-tier scheme.
130-thousand establishments in this region are ordered shut and the operation of 460-thousand others will be restricted.
Our Choi Won-jong is out on the normally crowded streets of Gangnam in Seoul to check out how Seoulites are taking the latest measure.
Won-jong, obviously this isn't the first time that the greater metro area has been under level two-point-five... as for the city of Seoul, a 9 PM curfew has been in place for the last couple of days.
What about this level 2-point-5 is different and how is it affecting different different businesses and population?
Conn-young, let me just begin by saying that this is disappointing news for gym users in the capital area because indoor sports facilities will be closed for three weeks, starting tomorrow.
We spoke with someone who's owned and operated a gym for more than 20 years, and he said he's worried that he is going to lose even more customers once he reopens.
"The main problem is that gym users need to exercise for at least three weeks to have a routine. But with the government issuing restrictions almost every three weeks, customers are losing the desire to work out, which has made it hard for us to run this business."
And, Conn-young, this is not the only place that'll be impacted by the new measures.
Singing rooms and bars were allowed to open until 9, but now they'll be completely closed for three weeks.
And 9PM closing time will be applied to movie theaters, PC rooms, hair salons and department stores.
Weddings and funerals are limited to 50 people, and religious facilities like churches can hold services only virtually.
The existing restrictions will remain under level 2-point-5 for coffee shops and restaurants meaning take-out only for coffee shops and delivery services for restaurants after 9 PM.
Won-jong, as I said at the top of our live cross, distancing measures have been adjusted multiple times now. How are Seoulites taking it this time? Is there a sense of alarm among the population?
Well, Conn-young. It's dinner time now, and it seems like there are fewer people here on the streets of Gangnam. We did talk to one person who is convinced that the tougher measures are necessary.
"I think the stricter social distancing measures are a good idea because we've seen a rising number of cases since Halloween in October. I think it's better to have restrictions in place... now that we're approaching the holidays."
As I mentioned, restaurants and coffee shops are still open, but I have not seen the usual long lines of people waiting to get in.
In the meantime, the health authorities have sent a warning that there are only one higher level left if cases don't slow down under level 2-point-5.
We are live in Gangnam, Seoul. Back to you, Conn-young.

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