Eggless Fluffy Healthy Wheat flour Pancakes_ना अंडा ना मेदा,हैल्थी फ्ल्फी पेनकेक्स_ Easy Delicious _

2020-12-07 6

Hi friends
This is very easy eggless pancakes which is made of wheat flour instead of plain flour which makes it healthier. This recipe will make 8-10 pancakes. U can easily half or doubled or tripled.
It is so soft, fluffy and delicious even without eggs. Best served hot in breakfast or in kids tiffin or in evening snacks. You can even skip the sugar for sugar free pancakes. You can also add jaggery instead of sugar for more healthier version. Here we are using banana as egg replacer, but banana will not taste much here as we using only one banana. If you still do not want little banana flavor than you can always add some vanilla essence or cardamom powder.Serve it with some fruits, drizzle some honey or maple syrup on it. Chocolate lovers always can have chocolate sauce on it,ice cream lovers can serve cold icecream on hot pancakes and enjoy.

1 Ripe Banana(egg replacer)
१ पका हुआ केला (अंडे के बदले)
1 cup wheat flour (or you can use plain flour if you want)
१ कप गेहू का आटा(या मेदा भी ले सकते हे)
Pinch of salt
चुटकी नमक
1 tsn baking powder or 1/2 tsn baking soda
१ छोटा चम्मच बेकिंग पाउडर(या १/२ छोटा चम्मच बेकिंग सोडा)
2 Tbs Sugar
२ बड़ा चम्मच चीनी
2 Tbs butter
२ बड़ा चम्म बटर
Little more than 1+1/4 cup of total milk ( u can use more milk if you need
to make pourable medium thick consistency)
१+१/४ कप से ज़्यादा दूध (आप ज़्यादा दूध भी यूज़ कर सकते है अगर आप को जरूरत हो तो,
मध्यम गाढ़ा,बहती कंसिस्टेंसी का घोल तैयार करने के लिए)
some honey/maple syrup/chocolate sauce
थोड़ा सा हनी या मेपल सिरप या चॉकलेट सॉस
Thank you so much