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U.S. reports record number of COVID-19 cases; UK to roll out vaccine on Tuesday

2020-12-06 18

미 코로나19 하루 환자 22만명 또 최대치…"2∼3주 뒤 최고조"

The United States continues to report record-high numbers of cases.
On Friday it had close to 228-thousand... as California went back into lockdown and the federal authorities advised the wearing of masks indoors.
The daily average in the U.S. is now 210-thousand, and deaths are averaging 18-hundred per day.
The surge is attributed in part to the recent Thanksgiving holiday.
In the UK, roughly another 15-and-a-half thousand cases were reported on Saturday, a decline from the day before.
This coming Tuesday, the UK will become the first Western country to start administering COVID-19 vaccines.
Russia started rolling out its vaccine this weekend.