Yes Yes Dress for the Rain CoComelon Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs
It’s raining! ☔ What do you need when you go outside in the rain?
Watch and sing along as JJ gets ready to go outdoors on a rainy day!
Listen, listen, it’s time to listen now
Yes, yes, yes I want to listen now
Good, good, listening’s good for you
Yay, yay, yay, I like it, oooh
See, see, Teddy likes to listen
One, two, three, listen up you see
Yes, yes, yes, you see, I’m listening now!
Yay, yay, yay, I like it, wow!
Jacket, jacket, it’s time to wear your jacket
Yes, yes, yes I want to wear my jacket
Good, good, the jacket’s good for you
Yay, yay, yay, I like it, oooh
See, see, Elephant likes the jacket
One, two, three, almost on you see
Yes, yes, yes, you see, I’m all done now!
Jacket, jacket, jacket, I like it, wow!
Hat, Hat, it’s time to wear your hat
Yes, yes, yes I want to wear my hat
Good, good, a hat is good for you
Yay, yay, yay, I like it, oooh
See, see, Mousie likes the hat
One, two, three, almost on you see
Yes, yes, yes, you see, I’m all done now!
Hat, hat, hat, I like it, wow!
Boots, boots, it’s time to wear your boots
Yes, yes, yes I want to wear my boots
Good, good, boots are good for you
Yay, yay, yay, I like it, oooh
See, see, Teddy likes the boots
One, two, three, almost on you see
Yes, yes, yes, you see, I’m all done now!
Boots, boots, boots, I like it, wow!