Blackbird Movie Trailer (2020) - Sam Neill, Susan Sarandon, Anson Boon

2020-12-02 24

Plot synopsis: Lily, a spirited woman in her late 60s, is preparing for a weekend with her husband, Paul, and their visiting children. Despite her impaired mobility, Lily insists on fending for herself. The couple are hoping for a lovely day, but the mood is clearly strained when their guests begin to arrive at their country home.
Blackbird Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: First is daughter Jennifer, who comes with her husband, Michael, and their 15-year-old son, Jonathan. Lily and Paul’s friend Elisabeth arrives, as does younger daughter Anna and her on-and-off partner Chris. Rebellious Anna has been elusive and out of contact with the family, a fact that clearly angers her elder sister.

As the weekend continues, old wounds come to the surface, driving some family members apart and others together. With both daughters increasingly conflicted about their mother’s plan, Lily’s hopes of a peaceful farewell appear to be under threat.