Bs. As .: In the Roof Garden Lounge of the Hotel Alvear the launching and presentation of the documentary "Tribute to Carlos Gardel" takes place. Report to Alejandro Dolina and Diego Armando Maradona where they talk about their participation in the documentary film directed by Rodolfo Pagliere. Insert fragments of a movie with Carlos Gardel. Report to Rodolfo Pagliere: - Are you going to be the director of the film, can you summarize very briefly how the figure of Maradona, Dolina and the story of Gardel are going to be put together? Report to Diego Maradona: - Many times surely you have been yelled at by sos Gardel, is that so, what do you feel? Statements by Eliseo Alvarez where he talks about the presentation of the documentary. (Claudio Perez)
Date: 6/17/1995
Duration: 8 minutes 29 seconds
Code: BG-0388
Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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