Launch Jacking in Affiliate Marketing – Red Flags and Dirt!

2020-11-30 1

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Today I'm going to talk about launch jacking in affiliate marketing. Everyday people create products and they do launches. You can find these launches on a site called

Many times when someone views a new product they are not sure on it. They then go to Youtube or Google and try to get more info on it.

When you launch jack your reviewing the product and hoping someone will buy through your link.

I know what you might be thinking and that is what about the cookie?

With #affiliatemarketing if someone clicks on your affiliate link a cookie tracks that person. Then if they buy you get paid because it's tracked through the cookie.

What if they click on another marketers link then a week later click on your affiliate link and buy through you. Who gets the sale?

It's a good question. Jvzoo, which is an affiliate marketplace the last cookie gets the sale. If the last cookie they click on was yours then you get the sale.

If they clicked on your Affiliate link then a week later they click on another review site and buy through someone else they get the sale.

Clickbank has the last cookie that gets the sale as well, and the Warrior Forum.

You might be wondering how long the cookie lasts. With Jvzoo the cookie lasts for 30 days. This means that if someone clicks your affiliate link if they buy within 30 days you still will get the credit.

If they clear their cookies then of course you don't get the credit. With #Clickbank the cookie lasts for 60 days. With Warrior special offers, the Warrior Forum the cookie lasts for 60 days as well.

One of the challenges with doing this type of marketing is the rule that someone has to look at something 7 times before they buy. If you are doing a blog post or YouTube video that reviews a product you have 1 shot to close that person.

If that person views your content and decides to not click on your click, you lost that person forever. This is why I'm a big believer in an email list.

With an email list you can contact someone multiple times and this of course will increase your odds of making a sale. Plus there are many techniques you can employ to create urgency with a list and this can help you make a sale as well. Plus you own that list and nobody can take it away.

Social Media platforms will change and that is why relying on them too me is risky.

Another way to do launch jacking is to have an email list of people interested in a niche and then promote launches to that list.

This way you can allow your audience to see that product over 7 times. You can also do some really nifty things to promote the product and your sales will probably increase.

The next challenge with launch jacking is getting approved to promote the products. If you are a new marketer with no experience then it's harder to get approved.

The reason why is product creators are not sure if y