Trump Loses Twitter Followers as Biden Makes Gains

2020-11-30 18

Trump Loses Twitter Followers, as Biden Makes Gains.
According to the website Factbase,
President Donald Trump's Twitter following
has taken a bit of a hit since Nov. 17.
Trump has lost nearly 135,000 followers.
The loss of Twitter followers marks the
first time since 2015 that Trump's following
has decreased significantly.
On the other hand,
President-elect Joe Biden
has seen a significant
uptick in followers.
In the same time frame,
the president-elect has added more than
one and a half million Twitter followers.
Trump continues to tweet
baseless claims about his
loss to President-elect Biden.
Biden tweeted on Monday
that “it’s time to [...] listen
to each other again.".
To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy. We are not enemies. We are Americans, President-elect Joe Biden, Twitter