An essential resource for anyone involved in doing business abroad, this timely looseleaf reference combines a comprehensive legal analysis of the FCPA with practical advice on doing business in a competitive international market under the FCPA.Doing Business Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: . Demonstrates how to satisfy the FCPA's accounting provisions--including mandatory record-keeping and internal accounting controls.. Highlights the circumstances that trigger FCPA violations...with clear, contextual coverage of illicit quid pro quo relationships, knowledge standard, reasonableness rule, prudent person standard and more.. Clarifies the limits and reach of the FCPA...including your clients' liability for the illegal actions of agents, distributors, foreign subsidiaries and even low-ranking employees.. Illuminates such slippery areas as a corporation's liability as a minority owner of a foreign affiliate, or as a subcontractor to a foreign prime contractor.. Explains vital areas not explicitly addressed by the FCPA by referring to case law, domestic statutes, Justice Department Review Procedure Releases and legislative history.. Points out the ominous "red flags" that indicate a company may be on the brink of liability without even knowin