How to Answer the Interview Question ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

2020-12-03 19

No matter the industry, the interviewer is likely to kick off the interview with the question “Tell me about yourself?”. Often intended as an ice-breaker, the way you choose to answer this question will make or break the interview.

Ramble on about your personal life, and you’ll be waving ‘goodbye’ to the opportunity; on the other hand, focusing on your professional achievements will ensure that you’re in for a chance!

Within this video, we will talk through some tips that will help you make a lasting impression and get you one step closer to securing the role!

Looking for more interview advice? We’ve got everything you need on:

#tellmeaboutyourself #interviewtips #interviewquestions #interviewquestionsandanswers #careersuccess


00:26: Don’t talk about personal achievements
01:03: Give a concise and clear answer
01:21: Give a snapshot of your work history
02:05: Create a connection
02:37: Explain why you’re the right fit for the role
02:55: Tailor your answer to the job