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Seoul strengthens anti-virus measures as daily cases top 400

2020-11-30 7

정 총리 "수도권 거리두기 2단계 유지...비수도권 1.5단계 상향"

Our top story today, South Korea on Sunday reported 450 new cases of COVID-19, 413 of which were local transmissions.
Last week's average of daily cases has risen now to 416, which is well over the threshold the authorities have designated for the start of stricter distancing measures.
However, the greater Seoul region will keeps its distancing measures at level 2 but with some adjustments.
Kim-Yeonseung reports.
In response to South Korea's third wave of COVID-19 cases, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun announced Sunday that stricter prevention measures will be taken in the capital region.
For now, the Seoul area will keep its measures at level 2, officially.
But from December 1st to the 7th, saunas, and indoor sports facilities will have to close.
Also during that time, the government is shutting down amenities at apartment complexes, like cafes and study rooms,... and is banning year-end parties at hotels and party rooms.
Also, music academies and other facilities that teach wind instruments and singing will have to close... because mask-wearing there is not feasible.
The Prime Minister said, however, that all these measures will be useless unless the people themselves participate actively.
"We need to start a 'season two' of K-quarantine... led not by the government alone... but with the people taking part together. We need... not just compliance but each and every person to follow the day-to-day prevention measures."
The government has asked people in the capital region especially... to cancel all end-of-the-year plans, especially if they involve 10 or more people.
Outside the capital, the country will stay at level 1-point-5, but local administrations have the right to raise the level if they choose to.
Kim Yeon-seung, Arirang News

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