Spain, Italy, Greece and Malta join forces to reject the EU migration pact

2020-11-29 13

Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain are demanding clearer rules obliging EU states to take in migrants that land on their shores. In a joint document, the four states outlined their views on the EU's new pact on migration and asylum. #islam #terror #terrorists #TerrorAttack #Austria #ViennaAttack #vienna #EU #europe #EuropeanUnion #european #FRONTEX

He added: "In the meantime, the Commission remains very firmly engaged in the intensive discussions taking place in the European Parliament and in the Council on our proposals." Community sources recall that the migration pact proposed by the Commission "already establishes a mandatory solidarity between the member states." Brussels defends that the range it opens to specify the collaboration of each country (relocation, aid, returns) only aims to "guarantee that solidarity is carried out effectively".

“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has received the letter from Greece, Italy, Spain and Malta,” European Commission representative responsible for migration and internal affairs Adalbert Jahnz said οn Thursday.

He noted that “the discussion for the new Migration Agreement is in progress at the European parliament and Council.”

“We welcome the fact that the member states, inlcuding those that sign this letter, consider the Commission’s proposals a constructive start.”

The letter from Spain, Italy, Greece and Malta also regrets that the Commission did not include "the coordination of safe and orderly channels" for legal migration. The proposal is limited to announcing legislative changes in 2021 and urges Parliament and Council to conclude the negotiation of the directive on the so-called Blue Card. Stagnant since 2009, it would facilitate the entry into the EU of highly skilled emigrants. Negotiations were unblocked precisely this Wednesday, according to the rapporteur for the text, MEP Javier Moreno. "The EU has to send clear signals that, in parallel to the fight against illegal immigration, it has the firm will to work in favor of legal migration," he said. #eudebates