10 Companies That Are Flourishing During Coronavirus Times

2020-11-25 12,788

Grocery Stores - restaurants are closed so people don't have any other choice but to do grocery shopping.
Wine and liquor shops - bars being closed, sales have dramatically increased.
Professional cleaning services - thanks to the fear of the virus and new regulations.
Furniture companies- people being in lockdown makes them want to have a comfy and cosy home.
Fitness equipment companies - gyms being closed, people exercise at home.
Delivery services have incredibly increased as people are told to stay home.
Communications services and game makers - nothing better than a board game or a new series to binge watch to be kept entertained.
Mask makers - not only mandatory, it's now a fashion statement.
Information technology - now everyone needs a good computer to work from home or keep touch with the family.
Healthcare companies - during Covid-19 times it is needless to say that we need more than ever health care workers.