Maharashtra Cabinet Minister Aaditya Thackeray on Wednesday said that arrangements are being made to ensure that the third wave of coronavirus does not hit Mumbai. Maharashtra Cabinet Minister Aaditya Thackeray held a review meet with Deputy Municipal Commissioners (DMCs) of BMC, in presence of the Collector and Additional Municipal Commissioner to assess the coronavirus situation in Mumbai. Speaking to India Today, Thackeray said that the administration is working on measures to ensure that the third coronavirus wave does not hit the state capital Mumbai. "Every official, minister of the government is reviewing the situation and trying to ensure the third wave of coronavirus does not hit Mumbai. Even if it does, we should be well prepared for it. We have adequate oxygen cylinders, ventilators, and ICU beds to handle the situation. Moreover, we are focusing on prevention and creating as much awareness as possible regarding coronavirus protocols, especially the use of face masks," he said.