Level 1.5 social distancing measures take effect in greater Seoul area

2020-11-19 1

국내 코로나, 사회적 거리두기 1.5단계와 수능 특별방역기간 오늘 부터 시작

We start with the COVID-19 situation here in South Korea.
New social distancing measures are now in effect across Seoul and its surrounding areas.
Also, two weeks ahead of the college entrance exam, health authorities are taking stricter virus prevention measures.
Choi Won-jong reports.
The South Korean government has raised the social distancing level up a notch in response to the surge in COVID-19 in the capital.
Starting Thursday, the greater Seoul area will be under level one-point-five social distancing measures.
The heightened measures like keeping a certain distance will be felt particularly in high-risk facilities such as bars, clubs, and religious facilities where only 30-percent capacity is allowed.
In singing rooms, eating inside is not allowed anymore.
Schools are also limiting their attendances to two-thirds the total student capacity.
With two weeks left until the 2021 college entrance exam, health authorities are working to prevent large cluster infections from breaking out.
According to the Education Ministry, starting on Thursday, a special virus control period will be in place for two weeks.
During the period, the government will urge facilities such as study cafes, cram schools, and PC rooms, to strengthen virus control measures.
If a student tests positive from a cram school, the government said they will release
information on the cram school to minimize the risk of infections.
On Thursday, South Korea again saw more than 300 daily cases.
The nation reported 343 new cases of COVID-19,... a slight rise from Wednesday's numbers.
There were 293 local transmissions on Thursday, and fifty were from overseas.
107 of those local transmissions were from Seoul alone, 59 cases were reported in Gyeonggi-do Province and 11 in Incheon.
Two additional deaths were reported, raising the death toll to 4-hundred-98.
The country has now seen almost 30-thousand cases in total since the outbreak began.
Choi Won-jong, Arirang News.

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