Full version How to Bake No-Knead Bread, Rolls & Pizza in a Toaster Oven: From the Kitchen of

2020-11-18 10

No oven... no problem... you can bake no-knead bread in a toaster oven. Baking bread, rolls and pizza in a toaster oven is ideal for those with limited kitchens and those of you who don't want to turn the oven on because it heats the house in the summer. This is the ideal bread cookbook for the newbie... the first timer... the future baker... the young and the old... because I will show you how to make no-knead yeast bread in a glass bowl with a spoon, without dusting the counter with flour or touching the dough with your hands. It's called "hands-free" technique. It uses the principles of a bread machine... without the bread machine. These techniques are a fresh approach to making no-knead bread... you'll love the results. Thanks - Steve