S. Korean researchers successfully localize certification technology for wind power generation

2020-11-16 6

'풍력발전 인증' 우리 기술로...풍력발전 디딤돌 마련

South Korea aims to use wind power to produce about one-third of its new renewable energy.
The country has now successfully localized the tech for wind turbines, and it's hoped this development will allow the domestic industry to really take off.
Park Se-young has more.
More large wind turbines are being installed as part as efforts to cut emissions.
Until now, tests for certification of turbine performance have relied on foreign technology.
For the first time in South Korea, researchers were able to successfully perform power and mechanical load tests for a five-point-five megawatt maritime wind turbine ... and give it a certificate of conformity.
"Type tests are essential for certifying wind generators within a system. We're testing wind turbines that can be certified during actual operations."
Type inspections check that the wind turbine is designed and built to meet global standards.
Type testing using foreign technology is time-consuming and expensive... and there are concerns that domestic technology could be leaked due to the detailed measurement procedure.
"We need to become technically independent, and with test technology, we can back our equipment technology. Then, we'll be able to optimize our wind turbines."
Carrying out type testing using domestic technology is expected to accelerate the growth of wind power generation and help the industry sell its wind turbines abroad.
Park Se-young, Arirang News.