Trump visits Arlington National Cemetery marking Veterans Day

2020-11-12 214

바이든, 재향군인의 날 맞아 한국전 참전기념비 헌화... 트럼프, 패배 나흘만에 외부 공식 일정으로 국립묘지 참배

Our top story this morning.
After not being seen in public for days, U.S. President Donald Trump made a visit on Wednesday to the Arlington National Cemetery to mark Veterans Day.
The presumptive President-elect Joe Biden also attended a separate memorial to mark the occasion.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
U.S. President Donald Trump and presumptive President-elect Joe Biden both marked Veterans Day on Wednesday by attending separate memorials.
Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery for a wreath-laying ceremony.
This was President Trump's first public appearance since the election was projected for Biden on Saturday.
He was joined by Vice President Mike Pence,... with both of them not saying much.
This comes as President Trump and his campaign are forging ahead with legal action to challenge the vote-counting procedures in several states, including Pennsylvania.
Biden visited the Korean War Memorial in Philadelphia,... where he and his wife also made a brief appearance.
Biden also issued a statement marking the occasion,... saying it’s America's “sacred obligation" to care for the country's troops who were sent into harm's way and to care for their families as well.
He also called for world-class health care to be provided by the Veterans Affairs Department,... stressing that no veteran should be locked out of treatment for injuries experienced in line of duty.
Biden is also reportedly spending most of his Wednesday holding private briefings with his transition team.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

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