Gaston Perkins - Adolfo Donati inicio temporada de Sport Prototipo 1969

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Bs. As .: Journalistic note in the workshop of Gaston Perkins. Report to the pilot Gaston Perkins accompanied by Enrique Donati: - Is it true that you play soccer now and that you played with Amadeo Carrizo? -What was Amadeo playing about? (from centrophobal) -And you? (inside left) -The two for the same team? (Yes) -Well, Amadeo is one of those payments, no, of Alberdi, of Junin, in those parts? (no, from Rufino) -Gaston, how's the motoring business going anyway? -Are you going to Piriapolis? -And did you start with everything here with your team on the 9th at the racetrack? -So you run with Federico Urruti and Mauricio Franco? -Do you already have the 3 cars up here? -Why don't you take me, let's see the cars? -How many cars do you have and what are they? (They are all Hare cars) -What are you going to do with the Hare you raced last year? -And did Mauricio Franco's car arrive yesterday? -How many trucks are they going to put to go inside? Report to Adolfo Donati: -Happy with the new Donati team for the 1969 season? Image of the workshop with Gaston Perkins cars. Image of the Hare MK3 car from the outside and then inside the vehicle. Image with the mechanic Zurita working on one of the cars. (Juan Carlos Perez Loizzeau)
Reference: Piriapolis, once called the port of the English, is one of the most beautiful resorts of the many that exist on the Uruguayan coast of the Rio de la Plata.
Date: 2/14/1969
Duration: 3 minutes 23 seconds
Film Code: B-01409

Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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